Yo ya'll, I can't believe what I just saw. I was reading some comments on the "Selling Out" post when I came across this:
"I have an example of a sellout. t-quizzle came to the alley (bowling) week and was too washed up and too weak to play. He chose to play some silly shooting video game instead of a game that's Real with a capital R, because he didn't have the rizzle dizzle guts to step up to the lane."
When I got to the bottom of the comment I couldn't believe my eyes. I have been dissed before. I am used to it. When you are as real as I am you find out how many hata's there are in the world and (190,384,921 in the U.S alone). The comment didn't bother me. We want people to comment on our blog, even if its negative. That is how a blog stays real (maybe spinsters stories could learn a thing or two about this). What bothered me was when I got to the bottom and realized it was my own sister Shauri. MY OWN SISTER! So I hate to write this, but here we go. Part of keeping it real is frontin' on anyone who disrespects you. Even if it is your own family.
Let me explain what happened at the bowling alley that night.
It was my brothers birthday. I had been bowling six times in two weeks. I had organized a large dinner group to celebrate. Since it was my brothers birthday, when the group decided to go bowling I figured I had better go even though I was tired of it. I mean bowling 300 every game gets old after a while. This night I understand how Michael felt after winning his third championship. I was ready to retire. I had nothing else to prove or accomplish. But, it was my brothers birthday so I wanted to show my love and support (take notes on this Shauri, something you could obviously learn from).
At the bowling alley my homeboy Larry and I decided to play Big Buck Hunter since we were tired of bowling. I invited Shauri to play. She came over very excited. One problem, she was too short. She wasn't tall enough to see the screen. I guess Big Buck Hunter was made for people taller than 5'2 because on her tippy toes Shauri couldn't see the screen. I hurried her off to the alley where she could actually participate in the activity.
This made me feel bad, but what was I supposed to do? Put her on my shoulders so she could play? That would be stupid. I have been puting up with this stuff my whole life. Waiting two hours in roller coaster lines only to find out she was to short to ride, waiting in go-kart lines for thirty minutes only to find out that she needed a partner to ride with her, playing basketball on her team only to see every shot get rejected, buying pants for her on Christmas and her birthday only to see her return them because the pant legs were too long, etc... You get my drift? Sometimes it just gets old.
So, don't take my sister to serious when she dogs me out on our blog. She has some serious confidence issues with her height. Sometimes she even tells people she has a "tall personality" because everyone thinks she is taller than she is. Most people she says that too just snicker and laugh. I generally slap them and tell them to stop so she won't feel bad, but her insecurity is pretty comical if you really think about it. I can't be mad at her though. I would be hatin' on everyone too if the next closest sybling in height was my younger sister who was five inches taller than me.
Yo, and one more thing ya'll. Check out the first six digits of my sisters phone number, (703) 861. Anyone notice anything fishy about that? Thats right, an imposter in the 801. She ain't repin' 734, our hometown area code. Change your phone number and then come at me with a comment clown!
But you know what, it's alright Shauri I forgive you. Next time we will have you stand on the stool to play Big Buck Hunter! Will that make you feel better?